Welcome to the Heroes Ascent Portal!
Welcome to the HA Portal!

Welcome to the Heroes Ascent! The Heroes Ascent serves as a main page to all of the numerous Heroes Ascent content located in and around the site.

Heroes Ascent Maps
The Elite Zaishen BattleThe UnderworldFetid RiverBurial MoundsUnholy TemplesForgotten ShrinesGolden GatesThe CourtyardThe AntechamberThe VaultThe Hall of Heroes
Broken TowerSacred TemplesScarred Earth
Types of Matches
Introduction to Heroes Ascent
Heroes Ascent is a way to test your team against teams from any territories and to aquire high-end weapons if you win. You also gain fame through Heroes Ascent to gain the Hero title.
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The idea of a portal is to help readers and/or editors navigate their way through PvXwiki topic areas through pages similar to the Main Page. In essence, portals are useful entry-points to PvXwiki content. However, a raw list may be wanted more.