
This build requires a rating. Please apply the appropriate tag based upon consensus.

This build has been designed for the following use:

A large group variant of Blushway for running Urgoz's Warren in Normal Mode or Hard Mode.



Elementalist/Necromancer Blinding Corruption

Glyph of Lesser Energy Blinding Surge Mark of Rodgort Teinai's Heat Tryptophan Signet Necrosis Signet of Corruption Necrotic Traversal

Mesmer/Paragon Extend Fragility

"Find Their Weakness!" Extend Conditions Fragility Ebon Vanguard Sniper Support Signet of Infection Arcane Conundrum Ether Signet Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom

Paragon/Warrior Saving Restoration

Spear of Fury "There's Nothing to Fear!" Song of Restoration Aria of Restoration Aria of Zeal "Go for the Eyes!" "Save Yourselves!" Hexbreaker Aria

Ritualist/Necromancer Painful Corruption

Spirit Rift Painful Bond Signet of Corruption Vampirism Bloodsong Signet of Spirits Agony Summon Spirits


Elementalist/Monk Rodgort's Heat

Glyph of Lesser Energy Searing Flames Mark of Rodgort Glowing Gaze Teinai's Heat Earthen Shackles Fire Attunement Rebirth

Elementalist/Ritualist Rodgort's Protection

Glyph of Lesser Energy Searing Flames Mark of Rodgort Glowing Gaze Protective Was Kaolai Spirit Light Fire Attunement Flesh of My Flesh

Elementalist/Necromancer Rodgort's Ritual

Glyph of Lesser Energy Searing Flames Mark of Rodgort Glowing Gaze Meteor Shower Blood Ritual Aura of Restoration Fire Attunement

Necromancer/Ritualist Protective Recovery

Masochism Discord Animate Bone Minions Enfeebling Blood Protective Was Kaolai Spirit Light Recovery Flesh of My Flesh

Necromancer/Ritualist Pure Life

Masochism Discord Animate Shambling Horror Animate Bone Minions Pure Was Li Ming Spirit Transfer Life Flesh of My Flesh

Necromancer/Ritualist Vampiric Bile

Masochism Discord Animate Shambling Horror Animate Vampiric Horror Putrid Bile Signet of Lost Souls Protective Was Kaolai Flesh of My Flesh

Necromancer/Ranger Icy Extinction

Serpent's Quickness Icy Veins Shadow of Fear Well of Darkness Weaken Armor Signet of Lost Souls Masochism Edge of Extinction

Paragon/Ranger Sleep Now In The Fire

Merciless Spear Greater Conflagration "They're on Fire!" "Go for the Eyes!" "Fall Back!" "Stand Your Ground!" Song of Concentration "We Shall Return!"

Blinding Corruption[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=E/N death=1 energy=10+1 air=10 fire=11+1+3][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Blinding Surge][Mark of Rodgort][Teinai's Heat][Tryptophan Signet][Necrosis][Signet of Corruption][Necrotic Traversal][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Fire Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Energy Storage rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Fire Magic or Air Magic weapon set with 10% HCT and/or +Energy and +Health.

Extend Fragility[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=Me/P fast=1 command=10 inspiration=10 illusion=11+1+3]["Find Their Weakness!"][Extend Conditions][Fragility][Ebon Vanguard Sniper Support][Signet of Infection][Arcane Conundrum][Ether Signet][Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Illusion Magic rune (+1 +3). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Illusion Magic weapon set with +Energy and +Health.


  • The main focus of this build is to mass-apply deep wound.

Saving Restoration[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=P/W command=1 leadership=10+1+3 spear=10 motivation=11+1][Spear of Fury]["There's Nothing to Fear!"][Song of Restoration][Aria of Restoration][Aria of Zeal]["Go for the Eyes!"]["Save Yourselves!"][Hexbreaker Aria][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Leadership rune (+1 +3), Minor Motivation rune (+1). Centurion and/or Survivor insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Furious spear of Fortitude/Warding and Motivation shield of Fortitude with "Sleep Now In The Fire" inscription.

Painful Corruption[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=Rt/N spawning=12+1 channeling=12+1+3][Spirit Rift][Painful Bond][Signet of Corruption][Vampirism][Bloodsong][Signet of Spirits][Agony][Summon Spirits][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Channeling Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Spawning Power rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Channeling Magic or Spawning Power weapon set with +Energy and +Health.

Rodgort's Heat[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=E/Mo protection=1 energy=10+1 earth=10 fire=11+1+3][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Searing Flames][Mark of Rodgort][Glowing Gaze][Teinai's Heat][Earthen Shackles][Fire Attunement][Rebirth][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Fire Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Energy Storage rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Fire Magic weapon set with 20% HCT and/or +1^20%.

Rodgort's Protection[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=E/Rt restoration=10 energy=10+1 fire=11+1+3][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Searing Flames][Mark of Rodgort][Glowing Gaze][Protective Was Kaolai][Spirit Light][Fire Attunement][Flesh of My Flesh][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Fire Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Energy Storage rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Fire Magic or Restoration Magic weapon set with 10% HCT and/or +Energy and +Health.

Rodgort's Ritual[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=E/N blood=8 energy=10+1 fire=12+1+3][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Searing Flames][Mark of Rodgort][Glowing Gaze][Meteor Shower][Blood Ritual][Aura of Restoration][Fire Attunement][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Fire Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Energy Storage rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Fire Magic weapon set with 20% HCT and/or +1^20%.

Protective Recovery[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=N/Rt curses=7 soul=9+1 restoration=10 death=10+1+3][Masochism][Discord][Animate Bone Minions][Enfeebling Blood][Protective Was Kaolai][Spirit Light][Recovery][Flesh of My Flesh][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Death Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Soul Reaping rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae and/or Attunement runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Death Magic or Restoration Magic weapon set with 10% HCT and/or +Energy and +Health.

Pure Life[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=N/Rt restoration=10 soul=10+1 death=11+1+3][Masochism][Discord][Animate Shambling Horror][Animate Bone Minions][Pure Was Li Ming][Spirit Transfer][Life][Flesh of My Flesh][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Death Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Soul Reaping rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Restoration Magic, Death Magic or Soul Reaping weapon set with 10% HCT and/or +Energy and +Health.

Vampiric Bile[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=N/Rt restoration=10 soul=10+1 death=11+1+3][Masochism][Discord][Animate Shambling Horror][Animate Vampiric Horror][Putrid Bile][Signet of Lost Souls][Protective Was Kaolai][Flesh of My Flesh][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Death Magic rune (+1 +3), Minor Soul Reaping rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae and/or Attunement runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Death Magic weapon set with 10% HCT and/or +Energy and +Health.

Icy Extinction[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=N/R wilderness=4 beast=9 soul=10+1 curses=11+1+3][Serpent's Quickness][Icy Veins][Shadow of Fear][Well of Darkness][Weaken Armor][Signet of Lost Souls][Masochism][Edge of Extinction][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Curses rune (+1 +3), Minor Soul Reaping rune (+1). Survivor and/or Radiant insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Curses weapon set with 20% HCT and/or +Energy and +Health.

Sleep Now In The Fire[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=P/R wilderness=1 leadership=10+1+3 spear=10 command=11+1][Merciless Spear][Greater Conflagration]["They're on Fire!"]["Go for the Eyes!"]["Fall Back!"]["Stand Your Ground!"][Song of Concentration]["We Shall Return!"][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor: Hat with Superior Leadership rune (+1 +3), Minor Command rune (+1). Survivor and/or Centurion insignias. Vigor and Vitae runes as you see fit.
  • Weapons: Cruel spear of Fortitude/Warding and Command shield of Fortitude with "Sleep Now In The Fire" inscription.


Follow the 'Area by Area Walkthrough' detailed here: Urgoz's Warren.


Don't forget to disable Edge of Extinction Edge of Extinction if there is a possibility of humans dying, as it will hurt the party.

Don't forget to disable necromancer animate spells and the Well of Darkness Well of Darkness in area 3 (with the locked gate). Re-enable all these skills after the Blinding Corruption player has teleported up.

When fighting Urgoz it is important to remember that the heroes will be terribly ineffective against him. Flag them all back at the top of the ramp, manually maintain Edge of Extinction Edge of Extinction and have all players run around hurting him and avoiding Explosive Growths (when the Explosive Growths die Edge of Extinction Edge of Extinction will hurt Urgoz).

A large portion of the damage the few players will do to Urgoz comes from the burning that is triggered by Mark of Rodgort Mark of Rodgort. Therefore the Blinding Corruption player should do their best to maintain the hex on him so the other players can simply attack.
