
The PvXwiki community finds this to be a good build.

If you disagree with this rating, please discuss it on the build's talk page.

This build has been designed for the following use:

Kills with Searing Flames in HA.

Team Composition[]

Fire Attunement Searing Flames Glowing Gaze Glyph of Lesser Energy Weaken Armor Rend Enchantments Well of the Profane Resurrection Signet
Fire Attunement Searing Flames Glowing Gaze Liquid Flame Glyph of Lesser Energy Ward Against Melee Convert Hexes Resurrection Signet
Fire Attunement Searing Flames Glowing Gaze Liquid Flame Glyph of Lesser Energy Ward Against Melee Remove Hex Resurrection Signet
Fire Attunement Searing Flames Glowing Gaze Liquid Flame Song of Concentration "Make Haste!" "Fall Back!" Resurrection Signet
Fire Attunement Searing Flames Glowing Gaze Liquid Flame Glyph of Lesser Energy Ward Against Foes Grasping Earth Death Pact Signet
Fire Attunement Searing Flames Glowing Gaze Liquid Flame Glyph of Lesser Energy Weapon of Warding Protective Was Kaolai Flesh of My Flesh
Healer's Boon Dwayna's Kiss Infuse Health Heal Party Patient Spirit Draw Conditions Holy Veil Channeling
Reversal of Fortune Spirit Bond Restore Condition Guardian Shield of Absorption Holy Veil Aura of Stability Channeling

Ele 1[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=e/n fir=12+1+1 ene=12+1 cur=3][fire attunement][searing flames][glowing gaze][gole][weaken armor][rend enchantments][well of the profane][res sig][/build] </pvxbig>

Ele 2[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=e/mo fir=12+1+1 earth=9+1 ene=9+1][fire attunement][searing flames][glowing gaze][liquid flame][gole][Ward Against Melee][convert hexes@0][res sig][/build] </pvxbig>

Ele 3[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=e/mo fir=12+1+1 earth=9+1 ene=9+1 ][fire attunement][searing flames][glowing gaze][liquid flame][gole][Ward Against Melee][remove hex][res sig][/build] </pvxbig>

Ele 4[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=e/p fir=12+1+1 ene=8+1 command=10][fire attunement][searing flames][glowing gaze][liquid flame][song of concentration][make haste][fall back][res sig][/build] </pvxbig>

Ele 5[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=e/rt fir=12+1+1 ene=6+1 ear=10+1 rest=6][fire attunement][searing flames][glowing gaze][liquid flame][gole][ward against foes][grasping earth][death pact signet][/build] </pvxbig>

Ele 6[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=e/rt fir=12+1+1 ene=10+1 res=8][fire attunement][searing flames][glowing gaze][liquid flame][gole][weapon of warding][Protective was kaolai][Flesh of My Flesh][/build] </pvxbig>

Monk 1[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=monk/mes healing=12+1+1 divin=10+1 insp=8][healer's boon][dwayna's kiss][infuse health][heal party][patient spirit][draw conditions@0][holy veil][channeling][/build] </pvxbig>

Monk 2[]

<pvxbig> [build prof=monk/mesme protec=12+1+1 divine=11+1 insp=6][reversal of fortune][spirit bond][restore condition][guardian][shield of absorption][holy veil][aura of stability][channeling][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Use Searing Flames a lot, make sure to call targets to allocate pressure. Switch targets frequently. It helps to call spikes if it is hard to take down a target.
  • You can choose to spike with either Liquid Flame or Searing Flames.
  • Use Glowing Gaze as a follow-up Searing Flames, this helps with energy management.
  • Use GolE, Glowing Gaze, and Fire Attunement for energy management.
  • Heal, use wards, snare runners, etc.


  • Different elites/builds on monks like Life Sheath or WoH
  • Different skills for party support on eles
  • Replacing one ele for a paragon with "They're on Fire!"


  • Mantra of Flame and +10 AL vs fire shields to some extent
  • Better enemy team