
The PvXwiki community finds this to be an excellent build.

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This build has been designed for the following use:

This Orders build uses a Dervish primary to make use of Mysticism and its skills for energy management as well as Wind Prayers for extra party healing. It should be used in a team with multiple physical attackers.

Attributes and Skills

<pvxbig> [build prof=dervi/necro myst=10+1+1 wind=10+1 blood=11][arcane zeal][order of pain][dark fury][mystic healing][dwayna's touch][vow of piety][watchful intervention][faithful intervention][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Windwalker Insignia
  • Any weapon of enchanting


Maintain the Dervish enchantments on yourself, using Watchful Intervention on others if necessary. Spam the two Orders spells to buff your party, use Mystic Healing when the party is under pressure and Dwayna's Touch to heal sacrifice costs.



Dwayna's Touch can be dropped for Resurrection Signet.

Mystic Regen, even at 3 Earth Prayers, provides +6 regeneration to counter the health sacrifice.

See also

  • Build:N/D Mystic Orders.
  • Build:N/Rt Spiritual Order.